General Show Rules for all KFHS Shows

All enquiries: 01732 844071 …………………………

Notes for Exhibitors:

Exhibitors are advised to:
Read the rules carefully
Refer to printed handbook / schedules, which contain additional information


Shows staged by the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies are open to all persons resident in the County, individual members of the KFHS, and members of societies affiliated to the KFHS. Only individual members of the KFHS or members of affiliated societies are eligible for the award of trophies


  1. In all sections of the schedule only one exhibit is allowed in any one class from any one exhibitor or garden. All members of a household are permitted to exhibit from one garden provided they do so in different classes from each other. The only exceptions are classes for Pot Plants and Craft in which any or all members of one household may each exhibit one entry per class.
  2. Exhibits of vegetables, fruit and flowers for competition must have been grown by the exhibitor or, in the case of society displays, by contributing exhibitors. All pot plants, including cacti and succulents, must have been in the possession of the exhibitor for at least three months prior to the show.
  3. The judging of all horticultural exhibits will be carried out in accordance with the recommendations contained in the most recent edition of the Horticultural Show Handbook published by the Royal Horticultural Society.
  4. Any prize may, at the discretion of the judges, be withheld or modified if the exhibit is not considered worthy of such a prize.
  5. On the relative merits of the exhibits, the decision of the judges is final. Any protest or objection must be made in writing and lodged with the Show Committee not later than two hours after the show opens on the first day of the Summer Show and by 14:00 on the day of the Autumn Show.
  6. The KFHS accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to any exhibit. The KFHS shall not be liable for compensation for the loss or damage from any cause whatsoever, of or to, any personal property belonging to exhibitors or visitors to the shows. The right is reserved by the KFHS of cancelling the competitions, accepting or refusing entries, withholding any or all of the prizes as well as determining any questions that may arise out of these regulations.
  7. Exhibitors must not interfere in any way whatsoever with any exhibit or display of another exhibitor. Any difficulties encountered should be brought to the attention of the Show Committee.
  8. At KFHS shows all ties on vegetables must be of undyed raffia or undyed string.
  9. KFHS trophies will be presented at each show. Trophy winners will be given the option of retaining trophies on the understanding that they must be returned to the Committee by 31 December of that respective year. Winners will also be responsible for loss or damage to trophies whilst in their possession.
  10. Unless otherwise stated: Awarding of Points: First = 3 points, Second = 2 points, Third = 1 point. In the event of a tie, the trophy shall be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most First Prizes.
  11. The use of newspaper in show vases for staging purposes is strictly prohibited.
  12. Quantity of specimens to be shown in ‘collections’ or in ‘any other fruit and vegetable’ class, are listed below:

Apples 5
Aubergines 3
Beans, Broad 9
Beans, Runner 9
Beans, French 9
Beetroot 3
Blackberries 12
Brussels Sprouts 12
Cabbages 2
Carrots 3
Cauliflowers 2
Celery 2
Cherries 12
Courgettes 5
Cucumbers 2
Currants, strigs 12
Damsons 12
Fennel, Florence 3
Figs 5
Garlic 5
Gooseberries 9
Grapes, bunches 2
Kohlrabi 5
Leeks * 3
Pot leeks 2
Lettuces 3
Loganberries 12
Marrows 2
Medlars 5
Melons 1
Mushrooms 12
Onions 5
Parsnips 3
Peaches 5
Pears 5
Peas, pods 6
Peppers, sweet 3
Plums 9
Potatoes 5
Quince 5
Radishes 12
Raspberries 12
Rhubarb, sticks 5
Shallots 6
Strawberries 12
Swedes 3
Sweetcorn 3
Tomatoes **5
Tomatoes ***9

* Blanch or intermediate leeks
** Standard fruited cultivars *** Small fruited cultivars

Every dish must consist of one cultivar (variety) unless mixed dishes are permitted by the Schedule.

For other vegetables and fruit not listed, please refer to the rules contained in the most recent edition of the Horticultural Show Handbook published by the Royal Horticultural Society.

